Wednesday, August 11, 2010

iPhuck...a lot.

Based on the article "iPhone Users Have More Sex" found here:

According to a new study, the kind of smartphone you carry could play a role in determining how often you have sex, as the results indicated users of iPhones have more sexual partners than users of other devices.

Of course, this conclusion really doesn't seem that logical, because there are most likely a whole slew of factors not being considered, such as the potential reality that sluts are just more prone to buying the latest trendy gadgets.

But, that hasn't stopped OkCupid, one of the largest free online dating services, from hypothesizing the opposite conclusion: that your trendy gadget can somehow make you (more of) a whore.

Statistics gathered from users of OkCupid showed that by the age of 30, female iPhone owners had had twice as many sexual partners as Android users and 25 percent more than BlackBerry users.  Male iPhone users were also shown to have had more sexual partners at 30 than BlackBerry or Android-owning members, though the margins were slightly narrower.

When advised that she might be contacted via cell phone for further questioning, one iPhone user asked if she could have a moment to place her ringer's setting to "vibrate."

So, be advised all you uptight, dusty-crotched BlackBerry users, if you're about to leave the club with an iSlut, you might want to remember: Herpes?  There's an app for that.

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