Friday, August 6, 2010

Stale Cracker Deserves Beatdown from Brothers

Based on the article "13 stabbings, 5 deaths raise fears in Flint, Michigan" found at

  • Stabbings have occurred from late May through this week, police say
  • All the victims have been African-Americans
  • "He is trying to hurt people who are helping him," the lead investigator says

(LoL) -- First of all, it should be noted that 12 stabbings and 4 deaths in Flint, Michigan wouldn't lift an eyebrow.

But 13 stabbings and 5 deaths?  Hmm.  You've got the attention of Flintonians (I really have no idea what people from Flint are called, but "Flintonians" sounds classy.  Other options were Flintonese, Flintstoners, Flintolites, and Flintologists).

Police are looking for a white male who has been committing violent crimes against black males (take that, social preconceptions!).  In fact, all of the victims have been black males.

Reportedly, the white male (hereinafter referred to as "Cracker Ass Cracker Son of a Bitch" or CACSOB, for short) in many of the cases has lured "his victims to his car by appearing to have car trouble or needing directions.  He then began stabbing the victims, all of whom are described as smaller men.  In two cases they were people with special needs."

Okay, timeout.  

Really!?!  I mean, really, dude?  Despite the whole First-Black-President thing, it's not like racial relations in America are completely stable.  But, before we go down the racism rabbit-hole, we have to allow the professional reporters to chime in.

Per the article, "Race may be a factor in the crimes: All of the stabbing victims are African-American and the perpetrator is described by surviving victims as a white male, according to. . ."

Alright, stop right there.

"Race may be a factor"!?!

ALL of the victims are black.  

The suspect is white.  

I'm going to go out on a limb here and half-hazardly state that race is one-hundred percent, undeniably, in no uncertain terms, a mother-f*cking factor.

Even if race-based factors were not motivators for CACSOB to stab the living shit out of African-American males, which clearly they are, unless he starts shanking on an equal opportunistic level, race will be the largest issue in this case.

And it should be.  Not only for societal concerns, but for legal recourse as well.  

If the roles were reversed, and a black male were making pin cushions out of white guys, this case would have been sensationalized in the media to the point where the top half of Bill O'Reilly's head literally separated from his lower jaw.  Nancy Grace and Rush Limbaugh would be taken to a bomb shelter and ordered to begin procreating for the sake of W.A.S.P.s everywhere.

Legally, this should be treated as a hate crime, because hate crimes carry tougher sentences.  And when you prey upon people's natural instincts to help others in distress, or when you stab individuals who already require special needs, you deserve the maximum punishment.

But, I propose we take it a step further.  

I propose that this serial killer be given a new moniker.

"The Negro Knifer."

Yes, it seems insensitive and politically incorrect.  But, do you know what would happen to you if you went to prison with the nickname "Negro Knifer?"  

Justice.  Prison-style.

There would be a train of brothers ready to beat CACSOB's ass until all that was left was a bloody, ignorant stub, and he would deserve every last violent strike.  

Lastly, I would like to point out that only 5 of the 13 victims have died.  Which just goes to show that brothers can take some abuse and keep on keepin' on.

So, stay strong Flint, Michigan.  Don't let the racially motivates crimes of an isolated, disturbed Cracker Ass Cracker serve as a measuring stick for race relations in the United States today.  

And, if he gets caught?

Then send him to prison.

As the "Negro Knifer."

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